Some New Emoticon BBM 7 more Exciting? - Previously been reported about the existence of BBM Voice with existing Blackberry devices using Blackberry devices with OS 6 or OS 7 for latest BBM 7, and now is back news for users of the blackberry OS 6 or OS 7 for current BBM 7 are currently in Beta testing is not expected to be enjoyed soon there will be the addition of a new, more BBM emoticon interesting and fun to BBM 7 this course.

One source of the website that has featured some new emoticons that there will be at BBM 7, and also reported some time ago that there will be approximately 16 new emoticons that will add excitement expression at later berchating via BBM for BlackBerry users .
For BlackBerry device users who can not wait to use BBM version 7 is no need to worry because the release of is only BBM 7 days are that will coincide with the launch of the Blackberry 10 on January 30, 2013. For information that BBM version 7 can be updated for users with Blackberry OS version 6 or higher and the latest.