Some Facts About Products from Apple iPhone

Some Facts About Products from Apple iPhone - Of course you are already familiar with Apple products has always been the flagship in the world of technology today? as we know that apple presenting their latest product the iPhone first generation in 2007, and since then Apple product is claimed to be one of the best smartphones in search of many people in the world even if the emergence of the latest products from Apple, many people are willing to queue and wait until a couple of days just to get the latest product recently released by Apple.

The truth behind the excellence and kepopularitas Apple products is a lot of facts behind a little-known by many people and facts about apple products will certainly shock you, here are some facts about the iPhone were taken from one source, namely Mashable, which are:

1. It was reported that the total iPhones sold in the world today has sold over 250 thousand units. When the total iPhones sold were combined, then surely every citizen in Indonesia would be happy because they will each acquire one unit iPhone of course.

2. Did you know that in fact Apple and Samsung are two companies competing in the business world but in their rivalry, both companies remained in a partnership that proved where the Apple gained provision chip stocks and some other components from Samsung to manufacture their iPhone.

3. It takes approximately 200 patents and 156 suppliers spread across the world for the manufacture of an iPhone produced by Apple, this is what makes the price of an iPhone is quite expensive even expensive when compared to other products.
Some Facts About Products from Apple iPhone

4. Apple has produced a lot of interesting products, but of the many components of the iPhone 5, which is owned by screen iPhone 5 with 4-inch size is one of the most expensive components, even the UBM TechInsight takes to obtain one unit of the screen then the Apple to spend around USD 44. -

5. The most interesting in making an iPhone is using the nine minerals in the earth that is rarely encountered, and it is known that most of these minerals are only in one place and it is estimated nearly 90 percent of the minerals are located in China's mining country.

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