Screen iPhone 5 More Good than Screen Galaxy S III

Screen iPhone 5 More Good than screen Galaxy S III - One source of preaching about a real test in Hong Kong at some time ago, this trial was conducted on the Samsung Galaxy S III against the iPhone 5, and this time pitted these two devices in terms of display they have which is the latest product from Apple iPhone 5 finally came out as the winner.
Screen iPhone 5 More Good than screen Galaxy S III

In the trial conducted by CNet in which the trial time is more scientific than the trials that have been done before and obtained the test results are known, and also reported that the iPhone 5 has a higher brightness and more accurate colors in the subject shown, while for the Samsung Galaxy S III just has advantages concerning the screen contrast and this is because the Samsung Galaxy SIII use based on the AMOLED screen with a black color in it.

As we know that now the Apple is using a new technology called in-cell touch technology where technology allows fabricators to make the handset a very thin and lightweight. In addition it also has better physical properties so that the screen of the iPhone 5 can also produce images with excellent quality.

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